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Wait...how exactly can a disembodied voice have a colour?
Hey, I like green!
I'm guessing the Blue Voice's favourite band is the Blue Man
Group, and her favourite TV show is probably the Smurfs
Oh I dunno, its probably orange!

Oh you bet I'm f***ing frightend

Stephen Moffat's Dougal and the Blue Cat
Just what is this, this if the Magic Roundabout, not Tales from
the Crypt!
"If you don't manage to become king Buxton, you could always
start presenting the Sky at Night."
Getting a bit over ambitious there aren't you
It seems they decided to throw Doctor Frankenstein into this
So the Blue Voice takes the Blue Peter approach to making
"Yes I'm sorry I put the conveyor belt right across the middle of
the room with no way of getting round it, that really was silly of me."
Wait, that's not blue BURN IT!
"How did that happen?"
Shouldn't that red carpet be blue?
So for the time being, just this room
See, this is why we should vote for kings!
Not only is this cat blue, he can also levitate!
They wanted him to do a drum solo but he prefered the
"Only the king may dance."
And he loses his balance, falls off and breaks his back
Well at least this villainous dictator admits that he's evil
Yes, we get it you're the king!
"So don't destroy any of this red furniture or my crown."
"Because this is a kids movie so we can't kill anyone."
How can you be sure he's the best, he's barely been king for
five minutes!
"Man I thump hard!"
"...to get ourselves a haircut!"
"You're not implying that the dog and the cat might be gay are
you Brian?"
Which as you can imagine isn't very easy when you don't have
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