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"They like to annoy the humans by eating all their beans."
Bonecruncher has never tried actually Turkish Delight, he just assumed that it's what Turks taste like.
Which really is far more obvious than coffee
"I've never heard of the place!"
Is it...
A: Fish and chips
B: Shepeard's Pie
or C: Marmite
A: Fish and chips
B: Shepeard's Pie
or C: Marmite
"I'm on a diet."
"What does that stand for?"
"It was the middle of the night when you nabbed me so really it should be breakfast."
also known as 'Dennis the Menace Fruit'
Oh good a funny animal sidekick, I always fought the book could've done with one
"And yes I have tasted those."
I reckon they started eating human's because they had to eat Snozzcumbers
"Can't I eat the weird animal thing instead?"
"But it's still better than what they were feeding us in that orphanage?"
The B.F.G. finds horrible food hilarious for some reason
"Except when I'm playing Derek Trotter."
"What was my line again?"
"At least I think there are, never saw one, but then it is dark down there."
"And I live with giants who eat children."
I guess the B.F.G. is unaware of the concept of 'not being believed'
"In a place where 82% of the population want to eat you."
"Now, who wants to act out the opening song from Thumbelina?"
You kidnapped her because you thought she'd blab about seeing a giant and NOW you're asking her if she can keep something secret?
"Do you have to do that every time you make an entrance?"
"Don't you remember why we started eating humans?"
"Well f***."
That's not how you do a proper facepalm
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