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"Well I've never actually tried bones so I just assumed."
"Great, now I've got to get new shelves."
"But I'll be having nightmares about that for the rest of my life."
"Makes no sense either way though."
umm...should we be seeing this?
You were all set to tell her a moment ago
"Well course I was blowing it, that's what trumpets are for."
"Then what have I just bathed in?"
yes but in an infinite universe there is no up for them to go down from
"Simple, it's against the law of gravity."
For a giant burping is like saying "I seem to be having tremendous difficulty with my lifestyle" to a Vl'hurg
"It's also a sign that you're secretly a Slitheen in disguise."
And now for your viewing pleasure...a musical number about farts!
Remember kids, never light your whizzpoppers
"After the first taste comes the addiction."
"I can't fart on command."
Wait...wasn't Sophie standing there a second ago?
"Do you have any idea what that thing is?"
"Not a clue."
"Not a clue."
Normally I don't approve of fart jokes...but this song is really catchy!
NASA are currently working on plans for a farting space rocket that uses Frobscottle for fuel
"Drat, he crashed into my dream collection!"
"I really want to give the song an encore."
"Hey listen, hey look."
So yes, Disneyworld.
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