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Okay, you just stole Belle's dress and dyed it pink, didn't you?
"Shake what there mommas gave them?"
"Doing body shots, waking up in strange hotel rooms with three men, five women and a goat..."
"I hate that 'One Headlight' song!"
The ghost of David Tennant is asking her to dance!
None of the cute apparitions would ever dance with me...
Does the King see her hallucination, or does he just think she's lost it?
"Or shall we say 'goodbye' and mean 'I'll be back later to pick up my underwear'?"
Tommy Tune projects himself onto the astral plane.
So, You Think You Can Have Psychotic Episodes?: This fall on FOX!
Whoa, that's porn for Victorians!
Not since Mr. B Natural has there been a more tuneful mental breakdown!
"You're cute when you're crazy, you know that?"
"Not without a pole and some singles, anyway."
"The spare girls have to pair up."
Expecting a flood, Evil Dude?
"Oh, your shoulders are so work out, don't you?"
"Louis? Oh, right, the kid. I sold him to a sweatshop..."
"All these men running around, baring their calves so brazenly..."
"Really, Edward, you shouldn't believe everything Glenn Beck says..."
"Please ignore my badly synched lips."
"Then, the oral sex!"
A public official being bribed for his opinion? Well, I never!
"Oh, if only I weren't so British I'd assert my masculinity right now!"
"I mean it, if I see you leaping up on the buffet table it's the squirt bottle!"
o/...Aaaaaaaave Mariiiiiiaaaa...o/
Ah, Anna has introduced the Siamese court to the wonders of furniture.
Mrs. White and Mr. Green are slurping their soup further down the table.
"Mmm, dog brain stew..."
Oh, it's an improv banquet!
Heh, it's like the porridge scene in Beauty and the Beast, only offensive and reprehensible.
"Do you know what the largest land animal is?"
Yeah, so is Dracula, your point?
"It's nothing compared to my Kirk/Spock slash!"
"Also, my genitals longer and more fruitful than yours, so there."
"Kicking puppies, for example..."
Hey, don't knock it! You can bet an elephant cavalry storming through Richmond would have gotten Johnny Reb's attention but good.
I see Anna hasn't gotten around to the natural sciences part of her curriculum...
So the kings chose the animal with the largest, longest nose to represent them. Nothing Freudian about that at all...
"Except when the animator forgets to draw it in."
"Auntie Lawan made you that pendant, the least you could do is wear it when she comes over!"
"It was tax deductible!"
So, I guess this means no dessert?
"Please, I don't want to be in the movie anymore!"
"See how easily this chain broke? Cheap-ass jeweler stiffed me!"
"Everyone know I get first dibsies on the servants!"
"Fetch Devo at once!"
"I am horrified in my stuffy British way!"
"You were making such good progress with the spoon..."
o/...I ruled it myyyyyyyy waaaaaaaaay!...o/
His larynx must resemble ground chuck by now...
"I never said I didn't find the idea intriguing..."
And thus voyeurism was born.
o/...Down doobie-doo down down...o/
.oO(What was I thinking? Pink looks terrible with my complexion!)
Professor Xavier loses it.
"And we didn't keep the receipt!"
"Next time could you just give me chocolates?"
"I don't want them to miss the fireworks!"
"They'll never find us behind here!"
So nobody in this movie has any peripheral vision or basic spacial intelligence whatsoever...
"Sure! How hard can it be for a pampered teenager with no real world experience to make a living, anyway?"
"If we go to Cambodia, death with a fifty percent chance of pestilence coming out of the northwest at fifteen miles an hour..."
Three days later, they were eaten by tigers.
"Hey, kids. How's the hiding going?"
"I'm an annoying cute kid, I must be good for SOMETHING!"
"Yeah, do you want me to show you how that felt?"
Oh, they totally ripped that move off of Quasimodo.
"This way men, towards the John Williams trumpets!"
"Well, the velocity still snapped our necks, but thanks anyway..."
Please tell me Baloo and Bagheera will maul them.
A Mammy scarf? You were just trying to make him as offensive as possible, weren't you?
"And afterwords if they're good, I'll drive them to Dairy Queen for some Dilly Bars!"
"But I'm wearing my big boy pants!"
"Well, I'm going to be a figurehead ruler set up by the colonial oppressors, but it's a start..."
That's right, that's right, just keep walking over the horizon and out of the movie. Good.
Ah, they're escaping at a nice, leisurely pace...
Wow, REALLY good job on educating him, Anna.
"Come on, whistle harder, damn you!"
"We can't stop here, this is snake country!"
"This is great! I'm so glad I'm TiVo-ing this!"
"I don't know, the GPS is busted!"
This was before Aragog got his big break.
God, I hate it when people shout advice to the characters during a movie...
They need to make a little side trip to Kroger's, okay?
"Sorry, I'm a little difficult before my morning coffee..."
"I'll throw in some business about weapons of mass destruction just to be on the safe side..."
"It'll make a great story to sell to the broadsheets!"
"You know what I mean--not British."
Capped by TheDiva