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...in a galaxy far far away.
And considering this meant they had to rotate the planet that's actually pretty impressive.
She decided to make nocturnalism mandatory, anyone not awake at night would be executed.
So now it's Rock-A-Doodle with ponies.
With their powers combined they summoned Equestria's greatest champion, Captain Planet.
"You're not going to start making vampire jokes about me are you?"
"Man if only we had the internet in this world, I could easily look it up on Wikipedia."
Well they've got to compensate for the lack of hands somehow.
See also: McGuffin/Plot Device, Chekhov's Gun, contrast 'Deus Ex Machina'.
And now you've just broken her spine, well done Spike.
"What you mean that one episode of Thunderbirds where they get stuck on a mono-rail and..."
"No Spike!"
"No Spike!"
And those two words are suddenly cool again.
That must be really unpleasant!
"Try some dusty new books instead."
"In order to subtly ensure the defeat of your first villain."
You haven't read the script for episode two have you Twilight.
"This one is the most popular character in the show, at least make freinds with her."
"I'm a pony in a cowboy hat, what could possibly be more awesome then that?"
"I hope you don't mind if I apply the blur filter to your right foreleg."
"The apple family is almost as large as the cast of Bleach."
And now for the only members of the family that'll actually matter...
Was she always called that, even when she was young?
Mother Nature went "Sod it" a long time ago and left the pony population to deal with the weather
It wasn't that funny!
"How'd you guess?"
"No, just 'a' Wonderbolts, didn't you hear they come in six-packs."
And thus we have an instant videogame level.
"I am Rainbow Dash, and I am awesome!"
And how does she know it doesn't normally look like that?
You wouldn't want to go to Canterlot, it is a silly place.
.oO And I thought I had trouble socialising!
"And please don't let the first impression fool you, I can be kinda badass when I need to be."
"Well that was the most awkward moment of my life."
Says the talking pony.
"So what were you saying about crazy ponies?"
"This means I have to socialise doesn't it."
And fans are too busy looking at a background pony to pay attention to this scene.
I know how you feel Twilight.
So do ponies just not know what 'showing up late' is?
And after that dramatic cliffhanger here's some happy cheerful music.
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