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"Quickly, to the impossibly contrived fairy-tale ending!"
.oO(I don't know why they're following me, I'm just as lost as they are!)
"We're going nowhere, but dammit we'll get there on time!"
Didn't your mom ever tell you that's a good way to lose a limb?
That's nice--what exactly did you do again?
The Green Goblin's going to dangle a bus full of kids from here later...
"Damn rush hour traffic!"
"Well, that was our honeymoon. What did you think?"
The score valiantly keeps up its attempt to convince us this is epic.
A 21-blowhole salute!
"Yeah, that's right, we can fly too. Now who's the dominant species, you glorified monkeys?"
They later migrated south and founded Marineland of Florida.
"You will all now worship at my unholy altar!"
"Sorry, but the price for saving the ship is that I get to feast on your still-beating hearts. No hard feelings."
"Mmm, needs marinara sauce."
.oO(I'll say whatever it takes to keep this hellbeast from devouring me...)
"I owe it all to Satan."
It's a dumb kid's movie--nothing is impossible just so long as we don't have to confront children with the unpleasant truth of inevitable mortality!
"Later, later...."
The NES Combo!
It's like the end of Mamma Mia!, only I feel an even stronger urge to poke my eardrums and eyes out.
Amazing how the papers of the day completely glossed over the spontaneous marine show in the New York Harbor...
Tentacles just killed ten people with his random flailing around, but hey, at least he's having a good time!
"How come the cheap bastard never sent us a Christmas card?"
"Plus he forged his visa."
Isn't "famous soccer coach" an oxymoron?
Sure, let's go with that.
"Fortunately we have Captain Planet on our side!"
"Hey, don't interrupt while I'm haranguing!"
"Is it true you wound up in Atlantis in an even dumber movie than this one?"
Wait, you're saying this entire story might have been lies dreamed up by a deranged, aging mind? That...makes sense, actually.
"I still have no idea when, why, or how I supposedly fell in love with you."
Hurry, let's sneak out before the movie thinks of something else to do!
So the last two minutes of the film is a pan out?
Oh, I see, it's like bookends. Pointless, self-indulgent bookends.
"Wait, wait, where are you going? Don't you want to hear what happened next?
No, Kim is NOT.
This movie isn't in Spain, it's in agony!
John's got a nice mezzo-soprano voice here.
Wow, the entire EU pitched in on this abortion...
Their names have been changed to protect their identities.
o/...This movie didn't make sense to me either....o/
Injured in an accident? Call the law offices of Balnarves, Cheetman, and Davidsen...
Spider-Man was involved in this movie? What till Jameson hears of this...
Wait, costume designers on an animated movie?
So after being dragged to Hell, Don Juan was forced to star in this movie? Makes sense.
Be happy, Kander and Ebb. At least nobody's done a goofy animated version of Cabaret...yet.
Whatever you do, do NOT ask Sean about the family recipe for meat pies.
Yes, it's a crappy movie, but it's crappy in surround sound!
So, um, we can go now? Please?
Look, lady, could you wrap it up? We ran out of credits!
Listen, I'm just going to head on out. Turn the lights off when you're done, okay?
Capped by TheDiva
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