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The Titanic is sinking, but the rave goes on.
"Let's get out of here before we trigger someone's epilepsy!"
Well, nothing else in this movie has obeyed any realistic or logical expectations, so why should water?
"It's okay, I'm only here to help and to violate your schoolgirls!"
"They want to know if they should send word to your next-of-kin..."
Yes, I'm sure the dolphins have several spare lifeboats and an efficient means of staving off hypothermia handy...
"He's a nice demonic creature from the pits of your nightmares!"
What are they going to do, offer whale-watching tours for the survivors?
"Damn, all those human sacrifices are giving me constipation!"
"We are the souls of men who drowned at sea, after all, and your prospects aren't looking so hot..."
"I just did what any horrible monstrosity with a childlike mind would have done..."
What happened to his voice? Is he going through puberty?
Suuuure, blame the humans, everybody else does...
"Well, THAT was random."
Why did the entirely aquatic creature need to take a breath and hold it before...you know what, it's your universe, you make the rules up as you go along all you like.
Wow, good thing the dog secretes a powerful adhesive from its paws.
There would have been enough room for everybody on the lifeboats, but NOOOOOOO, the band had to hog one all to themselves!
Regretful? Pensive? Bored? WHAT?
"Now the slaughter can begin!"
"Captain Stubing is still on board!"
What about dying because of stupid naval custom? That's still on, right?
"No please, I'm not a pubescent Japanese girl!"
This is the weirdest Sea World show EVER!
...What are they kneeling on?
Rodenta obvious
"At least we shall die together, person I just met yesterday and have spoken less than ten lines of dialogue to..."
"The mice kind of freak me out, though."
"We should have waited until the water was a lot closeeeeeeeeeer...."
"Oh no, I suddenly forgot how to hold my breath!"
Baby Beluga has come to save them!
"We did absolutely nothing useful, but we did it!"
Maybe the mystical moon magic allows their clothes and hair to remain dry, too...
.oO(And I sunk her but good!)
"Mine! Mine! Mine!"
"Well, I guess we'd better decide who we're going to eat first..."
The Castaway Olympics!
And they promptly capsize the lifeboats and drown.
"Kiss me, you fool!"
A moment of silence for the token redshirts.
Well, at least something good came out of this tragedy.
Don't cry, he's in the Dungeon Dimensions now...
Elton John's not going to rewrite "Candle in the Wind" again, is he?
He died the way he always wanted to: wreaking crushing death with his hideous arms.
WHAT? Oh God dammit, I forgot this was a bowdlerized kid's movie!
"Yay, the survivors are here! Now the over-publicized inquest can begin!"
New Yorkers celebrate by throwing more trash into the harbor!
"Animated film of Titanic sinking spits on the memories of the dead! Extra! Extra!"
"Don't ask us what the sister's name is, we're pretty sure the writers never gave her one!"
"Sorry, nameless sister, but you're the least relevant character which makes you first on the menu."
"Okay, maybe there are one or two flaws in this plan..."
Good thing there was a notary public on the ship.
I...guess that counts for irony? I guess?
"Villains get written off in half-assed manner! Read all about it!"
"Also, full color pictures are suddenly commonplace in the early twentieth century!"
Wait, so a Gypsy and a woman who's probably Anglican are getting married in a Roman Catholic church? The ecumenical movement goes back much farther than I realized...
Just because we're on land doesn't mean we still can't use gratuitous CGI!
Whoops, looks like she mixed up the dress with the wedding cake...
The mice were forced to use the leper's window...
Did they sell off the pews to pay for the wedding, or what?
Oh hey, it's...that girl mouse we haven't seen since the first scene!
Father Santa Claus!
Wow, you could store small curios on that decolletage...
"I love you, Sarah."
"Look, you're an extraneous character, you should be thankful they gave you a name."
"Look, you're an extraneous character, you should be thankful they gave you a name."
Seventies light rock of the early 20th century!
They're stoned! That explains everything.
"Hurry, we're almost late for the garter toss!"
"There's a sequel to this movie, and it's even stupider than this one!"
"I'll meet you round the back with the cash in ten minutes."
Cinderella sold that ride after the second kid so she could buy an SUV.
"A dog! We've never seen the like before!"
"The honeymoon just took a VERY interesting turn..."
"No, Smiley, no!....Well, there goes the security deposit on this thing."
"I fart in your general direction!"
"I should have warned you, we'll have an 'open' marriage..."
Why is he dressed like an alternative lifestyle gendarme?
Capped by TheDiva
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