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Quite a coup getting the Death of Rats to officiate.
"I'll treasure them always, Teresa."
Wait, that was Cornelius' ring? Shows how much I've been paying attention....but can you blame me?
Uh-oh, trouble at the Longstocking wedding...
"Does this mean we get to keep the gifts?"
"Do I have to sing another song to set you straight?"
Well, she's already dressed for a clown wedding...
Where was this assertiveness for the past seventy minutes, huh?
Wait, I thought he decided he didn't like her...oh who cares, the movie will end faster if they don't explain it.
And our hero stumbles to the rescue!
"Damn, I can't leave that girl alone for a SECOND!"
"Your motor car can't save you now!"
"He was mostly dead, all right?"
Great, now a spider's gonna try to come alomg and bang her..."
"Wait...what was I doing?"
"My blood sacrifice brought it back after all!"
SO, basically Thumbelina suffered from severe seasonal affective disorder...
"I am not left-handed!"
"Hey, you're pretty good. Maybe you should have been the hero of this movie..."
"We're just going to go on ahead to the catered reception, if it's okay with you..."
There, a villain fell to his presumed death. Now that we've ripped off every single Disney cliche ever, can the movie please be over?
"Our honeymoon reservations are non-refundable!"
All I know is, those pirates are gonna be pretty pissed off when they see what happened to their treasure.
"Hooray, they'll be buried alive!"
Well, so much for that. Now what are you going to do about the fact you're dressed like a demented 18th century hooker?
"Aaagh, a dog! Oh wait, that's my shadow..."
Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the deus ex machina!
"I'm forced to admit!"
"It was in Miami this whole time!"
See? Men can ask for directions.
Well, she's been abducted by every other male character in this movie, so why not?"
"He's a stiff! Bereft of life, he rests in peace. If you hadn't frozen him in the ice he'd be pushing up the daisies. HE IS AN EX-PRINCE!"
"I almost agreed to star in a direct-to-video sequel of this movie!"
"I love Survivor!"
"Here we are--Fargo, North Dakota! Good luck!"
"Come out and pla-ay!"
"Ha-ha, humor him..."
Weed! THAT'S what would make this movie better!
"Sorry, your mom's already turned your bedroom into a sewing box."
"Okay, but my concert fee starts at ten large."
"La la la, gushy romance, can we go now?"
"Hellooo, who's that hot robin over there?"
"Let's forget about the prince and smoke this shit!"
"That's what the GPS says!"
Even the French can boss Thumbelina around.
I've heard of shattering glass with your voice, but icicles?
"Christ, it is FREEZING out here!"
That's the Vale of the Fairies for you: if you don't like the weather, wait five minutes.
Hey, can you move out of the way? I think Fantasia is starting back there!
If she starts singing Creed, I'm leaving.
"I mean, where are all the nightclubs?"
"Hi, what'd I miss?"
"You're never coming back, did I mention that?
"I want to date other fairies."
And the moral of the story is: always marry the first guy you're attracted to!
His kiss changed her dress!
Well, that makes perfect--huh? Oh forget it, it's almost over...
It was nice of the Keeblers to come for the wedding...
A duck! Oh wait, it's her hat...
"Winky, Tinky, quit messing with those flowers and help me play these chimes!"
Meanwhile, back at the lavish estate of the poor old spinster..."
Even the fairies know Wagner!
They got married at the Holy Cathedral of the Wiggles!
And now, an anthem in honor of the bride.
Capped by TheDiva
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