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(Folks, I'm sorry about the sound quality on this one, but it's the best copy of this section of the movie I could find. Also, you may notice we've backtracked a bit.)
(So why don't you just grab a drink, use the restroom, or just skip ahead to the next scene with the toad and the bug, and we'll pick it up there. Sound good? Good. ~TheDiva)
"Um, he was that way when I found him!"
"I prefer Madonna anyway!"
"That I know a way to get rich quick in just three months?"
He must go through mustache wax by the case.
"Now, she might be a little suicidally depressed when you see her..."
WHOA! Suddenly it's a Tarantino movie!
She's buried with a defunct reality series?
"You can't fool me! I don't HAVE a tail!"
For future reference, you probably shouldn't dress the heavy in your movie like Pulchinella.
From the mohel?
"It's worse than what he does to AMC Gremlins!"
They're relatively blase about the serial killer in their midst.
"That's your solution for everything, Billy Bob!"
FINALLY someone in this movie talks sense!
Of course it's the Gilbert Gottfried character, so it still sounds painful..."
Of course it's the Gilbert Gottfried character, so it still sounds painful..."
"Yeah thanks, we totally didn't see that."
"That's your solution for everything, Billy Bob!"
Didn't David the Gnome live there?
"The door's locked, the walls are nice and soundproof...time for the skin flaying!"
"Money's like manure, you know..."
This from a mouse in baby blue bloomers.
"And there's that whole murdering beetles and displaying their mutilated corpses, but we all have a few quirks..."
She makes a lot of snap judgments about people.
Unusual music for a striptease.
o/...And it's public domain, so we can steal it all we want!...o/
Frosting and sprinkles on a hope chest?
o/...And change his ways tomorrow!...o/
o/...He's kind of insane and he kills just for fun...o/
o/...But that's what Altoids are for!...o/
Ew, old mouse funk!
Did the house from "Hansel and Gretel" just manifest briefly back there?
"And there was a kissing fish too, at least in the version I saw."
At least SOMEONE in this movie has actually read the classics.
No arguments here.
"Getting marries to psychotic recluses builds character!"
Ew no, that was the maggot nest!
"And wear this tabard!"
"And go to the ceremony dressed as Lady Gaga!"
o/...Heeeeeey, Macarena!...o/
Ah, Minnesota in May...
Still comatose? Good.
"I'm gonna put his wing in warm water..."
"Well, I was planning on dying of hypothermia, but I'll raise my body temperature just for you. Twit."
His beak gloss hasn't even smudged!
"If only I had some basic competence, you wouldn't be in this mess..."
Well, Tom Cruise has done all right for himself...
"Like have the great taste of cream cheese with only half the fat!"
"He has a handsome life insurance policy, and he's blind so arranging an 'accident' would be easy..."
"I suppose I could try taking care of myself...naaah, that's crazy talk!"
"Geez, I can't sleep with you yammering on like that!"
"No, I'm Thumbelina."
"Let me strangle you in my joy!"
"No, no, it's okay, I'm only half frozen and have several broken bones..."
"Oh hey, where did that come from?"
"Now if I pull this, you'll rescue me from being devoured in the Colosseum, right?"
"Oh, your pus is delicious!"
"I'm okay! I'm not as think as you drunk I am!"
"I thought the nice men in white coats helped you with this 'Vale of the Fairies' nonsense..."
Oh yeah, said the three-inch tall girl to the French-accented swallow in Harlequin drag.
There's a fine line between enthusiastic and insane. He's over it by several miles.
"I've had it with this lousy score!"
"He forgot to check out with the front desk...."
Did she say that or did I?
"But if I'd actually told him that, the movie would be over..."
"I told you we should have taken this thing out of the fridge sooner!"
"Oh yeah, the solid block of ice totally has wireless access."
*finger snaps off*
"Quick, you steal his wallet while he's still groggy!"
Hair by Queen Amidala.
Why is she carrying a pink toilet plunger with with palm leaves on it?
I'm surprised they were able to book Redwall Abbey for the ceremony; it's usually a six-month wait...
o/...Let me be--dayam girl, what the Hell are you wearing?
Uh-oh, Thumbelina got lost on the way to the altar...
Hey, they started without her!
Look, a Cootie!
A mood ring? What, the cheap-ass mole couldn't spring for a diamond?
"What? Sorry, I was just listening to the little man in my ring..."
Capped by TheDiva
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