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Just imagine how many anglerfish are needed to make those spotlights...
"Get your hand off my back flippers."
*crickets chirp*
"That was the worst dancing we've ever seen!"
Look, Mr. Ray in his first role!
"How gauche."
Shakespearean scholars everywhere react to Romeo and Juliet: Sealed With a Kiss.
Even the mutants disapprove!
"Wait, why do we care about this again?"
"That's it, you're dinner."
Yes, a Capulet and a Montague. DEAL ALREADY!
"Help us, the camera spin is out of control!"
"Why are we running? We could have this entire ballroom for breakfast!"
"No, I was saving myself for my wedding night!"
"Romeo, are you familiar with the term 'hentai'?"
Octopuses burp smog. Learn something new everyday.
At least the ink cloud obscures the movie.
"Did I just get whipped by a whiny seal pup?"
Still, this is a nice use of the Whose Line Is It Anyway? theme.
"I knew we should have honeymooned at Bob Jones University instead!"
"Ha-ha, nothing like tormenting creatures smaller and weaker than yourself!"
"You know, in retrospect it was a stupid thing to get worked up over..."
Andretti in the lead as we go into the final lap...
Did a fairy just fly by?
Sawyer? Locke? Anybody home?
Palin's right, I CAN see Russia from here!
"This is nice; I never even knew there was a tropical lagoon in Canada!"
Why aren't we supposed to chase those again?
"Mine! Mine!"
"Sorry, got a bit of krill caught in my throat."
The pine trees were drawn by an eight-year-old...
"That's funny, it's been ten seconds and nobody's bothered us about our miscegenation."
"What's your tongue doing?"
"So that was sex, huh?"
"Say, do you mind if Benvolio joins us?"
"Um, okay, now..."
"Sorry...maybe I should..."
"No, not there, lower..."
"Down here?"
"Not that low, idiot...
"Sorry...maybe I should..."
"No, not there, lower..."
"Down here?"
"Not that low, idiot...
And so, children, the two underage seals made sweet, sweet love through the day...
"Don't worry, it happens to every seal."
"Sorry, I should have asked you about the threesome first..."
"What are you, my mother-in-law?"
It's been a few years since I read it--was there really an annoying ADD kid in Romeo and Juliet?
"No, but you can be my lunch."
I think the plot is officially off the rails now.
"SOMEONE has stolen my fins!"
"Really? We hadn't noticed."
"You caught us, kid. We're just in it for the wild casual sex."
I am not comfortable with the mouth ratio on that thing.
"....Well, THAT killed the mood. You want to just cuddle?"
Are they being abducted by aliens?
"Great, I just rented a tux for NOTHING!"
The Dr. Seuss Reef
"Great, we're perfectly safe until we have to breathe."
Yay, Jaws is after them!
Wait, how did they even know the Prince was following them?
...And why am I trying to find logic in this silly Disneyfied plot line?
Phew, that was close. Something exciting almost happened.
"You're so cute when you're belittling others to inflate your own sense of self-worth."
Christ, it's like the annoying cousin you can't get rid of at a family reunion...
"Do you like algae tabs? I like algae tabs...Oh hey, a catfish!"
...Wait, what?
"We have to get to the next plot point, hurry!"
"Why does everyone run away from me?"
It's already there, honey.
Great, they exploded.
What, they still haven't beaten the crap out of him? What are they waiting for, an invitation?
"We're gonna get torn apart by an angry mob, it's so funny!"
"...he was banned from the Internet?"
With any luck, that's a volcanic eruption about to go off under him.
Look, just leave him already! You'll be doing the Montagues a favor...
"Did everyone in the back catch that?"
Finally, someone's taking matters into their own flippers!
So Mercutio is Italian for "oblivious"....
Because they can hear you from all the way on the other side of the beach?
"First chance I get, I'm pushing him into a set of six-pack rings..."
"I'm begging you, put him out of my misery!"
Oooh, Prince should join a symphonic metal band.
"How about I hold you under and you can find out?"
"I will perfectly understand if you want to kill him."
Did they record his lines by having him shout into a trash can?
Okay, that is the third time you've misused that word. You are dead to me. DEAD.
Yes kids, teasing fat people is fun for the whole family!
"Well, I need some comfort food, and they're right there..."
Dammit, who said that?
"If you're going to eat Mercutio, I want to watch!"
"He is such a moron."
"Oh, heh-heh, you're much bigger up close...uh, carry on then..."
His nose doubles as a whoopie cushion.
"How about we trade off? You can get her Monday through Wednesday, I'll take Thursday through Saturday and we can alternate Sundays, deal?"
Did...did he just suggest jacking off to this?
"I've already tapped that."
"Great, he had a heart attack--who wants to be the next Lord Capulet?"
"Yeah, but it's totally not mutual. I'm sure you can get some rebound action off her..."
Maybe Mercutio is Itallian for "tone killer."
Me too. I recommend Atkins--plenty of seal meat.
Wait, so the Prince is Tybalt too? Does he also fill the roles of Juliet's Nurse and the Apothecary?
Never say "eating a ball" again...
"Can I have your stereo?"
"It's not worth the bad jokes!"
"If he went that way, he'd have gone straight to the castle!"
They did ADR in an airline hangar.
"I call you 'Blubberbutt' cause you're fat, geddit?"
"Let him go, I've been trying to get rid of Mercutio for years!"
So, huge drop?
Shallow tide?
Huge pointy rocks at the bottom?
This is gonna be goooooood.
Shallow tide?
Huge pointy rocks at the bottom?
This is gonna be goooooood.
"Thanks! I've been meaning to start my own business..."
I know, isn't it glorious?
Do they really have that many baobab trees near the Arctic Circle?
Try Hari Krishna.
"Ha-ha, that one knocked 'em dead in Miss Harper's kindergarten class!"
"Just let the Prince kill you and get it over with!"
You know, I bet you could prove you're smarter than that.
Ah, sweet, sweet karma.
"Maybe someone I haven't alienated will save me!...Oh, I am so dead..."
"I just wanted to tell you you brought this on yourself."
"Benvolio would have loved me if not for you!"
You are not cool enough for this line.
Capped by TheDiva
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