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2010: A K-Pop Odyssey
"Quit it!"
"Quit shoving!"
It could be gas.
Translation: "...but the Body Shop was closed!"
To be fair, chicks with violins rock.
To be fair, chicks with violins rock.
To be fair, chicks with violins rock.
Shouldn't he be wearing tissue boxes on his feet?
To be exact, love, a can of Red Bull, and two shots each of Bacardi and Jagermeister taught me to drink.
"Play it again, Chan."
"My urine sample!"
(Dammit, I'm almost out of condiments)
(Dammit, I'm almost out of condiments)
Seeing as this appears to be a tv show theme, you'd think cutting a video wouldn't have been ponderous.
If you squished today and twenty years ago together, this is the horrible clothing you would end up with.
(Shouldn't this be over?)
Boyz II Twatz
Walk into the damn light!
You: zip up
You: unzip
What about Noein?
8eight appears with 2AM and 4Men in the new release Now 7hat's What 1 Call 1nexplicable Use of Digits #7.
Where do you get a belt with a heat exchanger?
Not his usual look. He came here straight from dodging the "100M from a school or playground" restriction slapped on him by the judge.
There's a joke you're not in on here: The band is called "4Men," but there are three of them, without a testicle between them.
I Can't (Theme to Virginia Woolf's "To the Lighthouse")
I want to enjoy this, but there's an air of barely-contained desperation around these women.
See what I mean?
; _ ;
You do know they make unobtrusive mics, right?
Love. I'm noticing a theme here.
Falling Down II: Lady Luckless
A sewer in my bed...!
"Hey! It's only raining in front of the camera!"
Yay! The shocker song!
Two in the pink, one in the stink! Shock! SHOCK!
Maybe they're saying "shuck." It could be a corn song.
But didn't get a wrist or a finger
Goddamn the cur
Jack, that cat
(He's technically a woman but don't tell the officer)
(He's technically a woman but don't tell the officer)
Korean is not a language you can "spit."
People who won't even dog-ear a page run in fear from
Marginalia Man!
Marginalia Man!
The hand bump. Classic.
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Well don't everybody run away. Somebody's got to clean up around here.
*Lloyd Thaxton pedals through*
I knooooow a little place/ Not far from town/
(Gotta go) A kind of pretty place/ Three up, two down
I knooooow a little place/ Not far from town/
(Gotta go) A kind of pretty place/ Three up, two down
Ahh. The Korean Miley.
Another song with "love" in the title. Take a drink.
Confirm. Deny.
You take that back!
Usually you have to be near a base to get Cum-Shot Happy Entertainment in Korea.
Not that I'd... know....
I'm getting a little sick of running too.
What are we running from, at least?
Stop telling me what to do!
+5 Chain Mail? She can't equip that until level 15!
Does lupin grow in Korea? Or is this a posh remake of "Hungry Like the Wolf?"
Sarah Jessica Park Hyor
"Wait! I'll get furniture! I swear."
"Or a door! At least I'll get a door!"
I hear the Marvel continuity nazis sh*t kittens when Dazzler moved to Korea and had a son.
"Or scenery outside of the windows! Anything!"
"You know I love you more than my cheap particle effects! Please!"
Sentinel attack! Hit the deck.
Gee. This video.
Cut scenes from a movie in, and it's MTV: 1988-1994.
(For those younger people in the audience, MTV used to play music.)
BubbleLove.com was already registered. And she was NOT happy with what she found there.
Someone lob another mortar.
2AM: The all fighting-game-villain band
Yes, you did wrong. Now comb it flat again.
Did anyone else just see Kim Jong Il?
D'oh, my bad!
Look, we'll see if we can sort it out with super glue...
What's with the fourth grade love note? I thought child molestation was only big in Japan.
She been driving me so blue
I'll not chicken out again!
Her mom's so cocky...
Young as kids can get...
Yes, "T-ara" is #1. We haven't been counting up.
I know someone who goes crazy because of his violent psychoses. Y'all should hang.
Somewhere in Seoul: "It's peurile, but it doesn't have an annoying repeated phrase. Who wrote that 'Oh Oh Oh Oh' bit for T-ara? Get me that bastard. That bastard sh*ts gold records!"
"What a world!"
Chunky? Lady, Gainax characters are chunky compared to you.
To recap #1: Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, chunky-chunky-chunky-chunky-chunky-chunky-chunky, Satan'll never reach out.
Capped by Space Toast
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