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They hung their clothes out to...oh, my head...
Ah, more cute abominations!
"Look closely, son, you're about to see natural selection at work."
Hey, the waterfall grew!
Wow, this rescue is trickier than ending combat maneuvers in Iraq.
Now really, is she worth this much effort?
So the bird can't fly her off the lilypad, but two bugs can tow the thing to shore. Okay, movie.
"Oh, thanks for the rescue, guys. I think I'm just going to take a nap now..."
That must be industrial-strength makeup he has on...
"Can we eat her?"
"Brilliant, kid. I don't know why your daddy says you're slow."
"But the adorability of the baby bug is giving me a headache..."
"Yeah, we were cut from the Wizard of Oz movie and wound up here. Kind of a bum deal, really."
Gaaah, where's a shoe or a wadded-up tissue when you need it?
"I'm sure my not actually being there won't be an inconvenience."
Oh, don't worry about her. The movie sure isn't.
She needs a Garmin.
Well, this is going to be a waste of their 24-hour life spans.
With "help" like this, I don't blame you.
"As much as I can love someone I had a four-minute Award Bait song with, anyway."
I'd use Google Maps myself.
"Wait, wait, this is a trick question right?"
Will someone get this woman a God-damned atlas already?
.oO(I'm screwed.)
Our heroine, kiddies. She gives up at the slightest inconvenience!
Gaaah, not again!
.oO(My God, do all the animals around here have annoying songs?)
"I'm walking, I'm walking, don't push me!"
The rare Maurice Chevalier bird!
o/...You'll get lots of rides for free, if you suck some dick!...o/
"That's it, Thumbelina, show some leg and you can hitch a ride home!"
"Ass, gas, or grass, give it up!"
o/...Get up, stand up, stand up for your rights!...o/
Okay, who gave the entire chorus helium?
They make the Lollipop Guild sound like Barry White, Keith David and Christopher Lee...
Someone give him a "sidateve," please?
"Math is hard!"
So I guess what he's saying is, if you're lost just guess a random direction and everything will turn out okay!
Is that their vibrato, or was this recorded on a truck bed going over ten miles of unpaved road?
This reminds me of the time I was stuck in the final room of "It's a Small World" for ten minutes...
So, all these birds and not one of them thinks to fly over to Thumbelina's mom and tell her she's all right. Okay then.
My heart's telling me to get far away from the creepy French birdies!
"It will only take me the rest of the movie!"
"Kind of stupid, though."
Meanwhile, in Rivendell...
Wonder what kind of property tax you have to pay on an orchid.
"--that you wanted to be a cabaret dancer!"
"That's the plot so far, yep."
"I'm just happy he's fallen in love with a girl. I was thinking...well, we are fairies and all..."
"Take a sweater, it's cold!"
"Call daddy's cell if you're going to be late!"
"He's going to be hopeless as a hero, I just know it."
"But didn't we just have the first day of fall? Why is it nearly winter already?"
"Don't ask me, I didn't write this crap."
"Don't ask me, I didn't write this crap."
Great, back to the really offensive stereotypes.
"Leave me alone, I'm being emo. Girls love it."
"Curse the courts for overturning Proposition 8!"
Why not, Christopher Walken does it all the time.
That's par for the course for their act.
This movie has way too many bizarrely dressed animals with stupid accents.
"I bally her"?
It's hard to be a credible villain when your theme music is a conga.
o/...Little town, it's a quiet village...o/
Wait, you mean she's been in her own backyard this whole time? Now I REALLY hate this movie!
Great, I was just thinking "You know, this movie has some skin-peelingly irritating characters, but to be TRULY annoying it needs Gilbert Gottfried."
What style is his outfit? Tudor-Victorian-Jazz age?
"A provider of supplemental insurance!"
"Even if you are missing a couple legs."
"Well, it's just that your voice is making my tympanic membrane bleed..."
"I will show you how we say goodbye in Persia..."
Don Bluth's Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
Well, he's got the first part down...
Well, when you consider what he has to compare it with...
This is an extremely weird version of Phantom of the Opera...
Oh, no recitatives, please...
"That's what everybody says when they climb trees, right?"
"That might make us end the movie early..."
"Oh I bet you will, baby. Nudge-nudge, know what I mean..."
This is the second time in as many days she's been abducted. That's gotta be a record.
He's taking her to Snake Mountain!
"Nobody's perfect."
"I thought we were the help!"
"Let's get useful help, then."
"Let's get useful help, then."
Wow, is anyone else suddenly hungry for a bunch of small swamp animals? Anyone?
"Mr. Elton John!"
Okay, who gave Michael Bennett LSD?
Hey, was this choreographed by Buzzby Berkley? Ha ha...just kill me quickly, please.
They're dancing on the Sampo!
SOMEONE forgot his dress whites...
Gaah, I'd rather be serenaded by a sick cat!
"And make a quick break for the exit!"
She makes Lady Gaga look subdued.
Must be hard dancing on polished quartz.
Hey watch it! You'll put someone's eye out with those shoulder pads!
That's not how you wear a bikini top.
So, who's the worst fashion victim in this scene?
Did the writers just say, "How can we make Gilbert Gottfried more annoying? I know, we'll have him sing!"
She looks like an encephalitic Marie Antoinette.
Whoa, bloomer shot!
As long as it keeps you too winded to sing, sure.
"Yeah, if you like non-corpsy skin tones..."
"And I was going to mate with you and bite your head off, too!"
"And I don't have any concept of figurative language, either!"
"Those are terrible undergarments!"
This is where she sets the auditorium on fire, right?
Are they laughing at her or having a group seizure?
Capped by TheDiva
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