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"So long, thanks for all the fish!"
"Yeah, really tragic. So, physical comedy, then?"
"We have more than enough plague to go around!"
Garfield and the Taco Bell Chihuahua in their wackiest adventure yet!
Damn, he survived.
This is nice; most films on the Titanic leave out the rapping dog.
The Speedy Gonzales Combo!
Oh, I can think of a few things I'd like to bust right now...
Music rejected by an anti-drug PSA.
Meanwhile, in another cartoon entirely...
Potatoes are what we trip on!
Comic collision in three, two...
"Yo quiero emergency room."
When's that iceberg supposed to get here?
"Who are we again?"
The Once-ler approves!
Yeesh, this makes the Bakshi Lord of the Rings look like Fantasia!
Umm, what time is it again?
Daylight Savings?
Of Cholera?
Daylight Savings?
Of Cholera?
"We're in 1980s LA, what are we doing here?"
Okay, it's Party Time, you've made your point already!
Sorry for that, folks; we don't know what the Hell it was about either. There were some good drugs going around the studio that day.
Susan Sto Hellit did NOT age well.
Hey, YOU'RE the one who hired them to be pickpockets; shouldn't you have checked their references first?
"It's not my fault I was born with flippers!"
"My pocket knife to stab you with, why?"
"And look, here's a shiny quarter behind your ear!"
It's like the Marx Brothers, only I want to kill myself.
"Yo quiero black coffee and cold shower."
She looks like the Joker's great-great-grandmother.
Professional WHAT, we won't say...
Shouldn't the steward have come by and bugged them for a tip by now?
Set up pratfall, and...
...wait for iiiiiiit...
...any minute now...
...pratfall GO!
Her dog's Johnny Cash?
Looks like the love child of Lady and the Tramp.
The fabulous CGI Cruise Line!
"Now please shut the fuck up."
"I mean, what are the odds that she's on this very ship and we'll be reunited in a contrived manner, anyway?"
"Anything could happen: long-lost daughters, icebergs, death in a watery grave..."
"Now I am off to woo women and surrender to Germany. Because I am very French, you know."
Ah, smell that sea smarm...
Kathy Bates!
"Sorry lady, one tripping gag per day is my limit."
"What do you want from me? I eat my own filth!"
"Fine, I'll just be snooty someplace else then..."
He just hates the French on general principle.
"Shit, it's the rapping dog. Act like you don't see him!"
Oh, like YOU'RE one to talk...
What about the mouse mariachi group?
"They're putting me down tomorrow."
" exploiting bad editing!"
Even her double chin?
Oh yeah, this is all on a boat, in case you've forgotten...
TSA must have confiscated her sewing scissors.
"I'm sure it'll turn up as a plot point later on."
They're about a stealthy as a circus parade.
"WHOA! Sorry, wrong room! Please, don't get must have taken you forever to get into that position to begin with..."
A light-activated bell!
Are they going to tell ghost stories next?
The Keystone Cops had more dignity than this...
Whoops, ran out of stock animation.
Robbie Rotten's cleverest disguise yet!
"Quit looking at our butts!"
"Huh, the guy at the joke shop SWORE this disguise would work..."
She has a flowerpot full of clothes!
Aaaaand, the Meet Cute (TM), right on schedule.
*gasp* "He's just like me, only male!"
"I love a woman who can wear a pup tent well."
"Which you would have realized if you had the reasoning ability of a ferret."
o/...Laundry day, see you there...o/
"Want to go stand on the prow and yell about being king of the world?"
"I touched her underthings. It MUST be love!"
They're setting up for another pointless musical sequence...
"Who put Rapper McGruff in charge, anyway?"
Thanks, that narrows it down.
"Yyyyep, this looks like the eternal void."
Mario and Luigi should be down here somewhere...
Uh-oh, everyone in steerage flushed at the same time!
Ha-ha, he almost drowned! I'm sure it'll be even funnier later on.
Did we ever even find out who this is?
That is one long-lasting birthday candle.
And he plummets to his death. The End.
Or not. Damn.
Looks kind of like the rodent version of Dopey.
o/...Les poissons, les poissons...o/
"No, wait, I just want to be a gourmet chef!"
I'll bet the rats from The Muppets Take Manhattan could have this place going in a jiffy.
"Help, I'm having hot flashes!"
In a jar, no less.
"Wait, is 'inflammable' the same as 'flammable'?"
Capped by TheDiva