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William's Wish Wellingtons is sponsored by the Alliteration Appreciation Agency
Did he wish to explode?
Bah dum tish
Except the teachers judging by that establishing shot, so not everybody.
"That was my mother's."
"Otherwise they would face the wrath of my boots."
Come one, there's no way there's an actual cup for conkers.
You won't be saying that in about five years kid.
They probably hurt a lot afterwards to.
Huh, I would've thought that the biggest conker in the world would be, well, bigger.
So does nobody notice the giant-conker bearing truck which suddenly vanishes into thin air?
Other animals could destroy it with ease, but not elephants.
Wait, the cup is REAL!?
I bet Joe is actually the Mekon in disguise.
I'll bet somewhere there's a shounen tournament manga about conkers.
These conkers are really flimsy aren't they.
And now the girl kissing commences.
Right, how long before it kills someone?
That must be some mighty car!
And William has now done several million dollars worth of damage.
Funny, I don't recall William wishing that his conker could survive re-entry.
And William gets expelled for damaging school property.
"Hey, there's nothing in the rule book against using super conkers created by magic."