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"I'm not wearing any pants!"
"To Prince William and Duchess Catherine!"
Wow, those are some huge mutant cherries...
"Yes dear, now excuse me I'm trying to purge my dinner..."
Well, considering the whole "marriage at sea" thing is a popular myth, it would be pretty unusual...
Oh cripes, she's even wearing a cheap knock-off of the Coeur de la Mer...
"Next thing you know she'll be demanding the vote."
"Actually, that would be the norovirus. Chef wasn't too careful with the shrimp cocktail, I'm afraid..."
"Mmm, cherry Kool-Aid! Excellent vintage!"
"She's just hysterical. We're actually sending her to an asylum when we reach New York..."
"Shut up, bitch, or I'm having you committed right along with her."
Come on, just because she has "EVIL STEPMOTHER FIGURE" tattooed across her forehead...
Sirius? No, he's in another story entirely...
It's not a kid's movie without a little bestiality!
"Who do you think you are, Despereaux?"
Thinking humans and animals shouldn't boink doesn't mean you're a racist; it means you live anywhere except Alabama.
Uh-oh, time for the pseudo-Celtic One Woman Wail to kick in...
She has Everlasting Gobstopper earrings!
Tears. Now with Retsyn.
The Official "Standing on the Prow Gazing Longingly Out to Sea" Shot, ladies and gentlemen.
Uh-oh, the Sirens are after them now...
"You gonna jump or what? We're hungry!"
"Who's your daddy?"
Wow, they're like the Javier Sotomayers of dolphins...
"That must've been some good brandy..."
You know, I cried into the ocean once, and all that talked to me were a couple of clownfish and a sea anemone...
"Right after you give me a sardine!"
You know, sometimes something is so perfectly stupid on its own no snarking is needed...
I thought dolphins were supposed to be one of the smarter species...
Never mind the jump, check out the hang time! That thing must be part hummingbird...
Wait, I thought Ronnie was the one who had the hots for her and wanted to help her? Oh who cares, there's a flying dolphin who can talk through the magic of moonbeams, why am I focusing on this?
Whoa, epilepsy!
Okay, it's my turn: what ARE you talking about?
"Until I wound up caught in a tuna net, that is."
"Life is the bubbles under the sea! Disney told me so!"
"I'm a welder by day and a dancer by night!"
How do the dolphins know about all this? Do they get an AP feed in the ocean?
"Which come to think of it is nowhere, since serious conservation efforts won't begin until much later this century...you know what, forget it, the whales are screwed."
Look, you already got the magic-moonbeam-tear-communication thing; how many miracles do you need?
"Veeeery interestink..."
Wow, quiet night at the Overlook.
"Here you go, two Roy Rogers..."
"Do you mind if I poke your eye out with my cigar? It's an evil thing."
"Come on, the whales aren't going to extinct themselves!"
"I wasn't aware evil had so much overhead."
"Sorry, but we already bought that Bed in a Bag set you registered for..."
"Why don't we wait until Elizabeth hates you a little less?"
"Can't transport these things through customs; what a waste!"
Whoa, personal space please!
"Which would defeat the purpose, but...oh, never mind..."
You know, I'm starting to think Maltravers may not be a nice guy...
Special friend? Fred Rogers is involved in this?
"Okay, but I'll have to lose a lot of weight for that..."
Wait...is he going to finish the crossing, or swim with the sharks? Cause it sounds like the two would cancel each other out...
Midshipman Randomguy Nobody
"Oh boy oh boy, my turn to do 'King of the World'!"
"Heh heh, I'm going to hock loogies over the edge ALL night!"
He's calling the Enterprise!
"Oh good. For a second there I thought you were that Aquaman creep."
.oO(Crap, I'm stuck.)
Why the prison hat? Is there a correctional facility in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge?
Okay, how exactly is he talking to animals? Did he spit on a shark during a solar eclipse or something?
I see they've decided to start with historic accuracy.
"Say, mind helping me rearrange these deck chairs?"
"It's such a lovely morning, but there isn't enough budget to animate me without my coat..."
"I'll go see if there's a party in steerage where I can be free of the restrictions of my social position..."
Oh yeah, real subtle.
"Let us out! Attica! Attica!"
Can't lonely girls with evil stepmothers ever find any non-plague-ridden animals to sympathize with them?
"Come one step closer and I'm calling the Orkin Man."
"Wow, good thing she has no peripheral vision whatsoever!"
"Because it's not a meal time?"
Well, you should have asked the maitre d' about changing tables your first night out...
Because that's worked SO well for her thus far.
Whoa, wait, now there's a witch involved? Why not just throw in some elves and a unicorn or two while you're at it?
"Janet Jackson hasn't even flashed a tit!"
Yeah, don't worry about the big massive patriarchy standing in her way, she's got talking mice!
Ashamed of the film, the Titanic speeds ever faster to its fate.
The sunset over the Orange Crush is always an inspiring sight...
Great idea, Senor Momento de Cocodrilo con Labios Grandes!
When do Harpo and Chico play?
Next on Dancing With the Random Extras...
"I want to go piddle on our steward."
Well, I guess we know who wears the pants in their relationship.
"Pretending he's beside me, you know."
"The plot demands it!"
"I'm not a Popple!"
"She's missing out on the chef's delectable braised calla lilies!"
Whoa, WHAT did you just call her?
Capped by TheDiva