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Must be hard to walk with a concave spine.
"And the giant cream puff in the back..."
Lady Gaga!
"My pants!"
An honest politician? A well-adjusted Twilight fan?
Must be a bitch cleaning the droppings out of her hair.
"Someone who actually enjoyed The Last Airbender!"
Raise the giant petticoat!
"Mmmff, five more minutes, Mom..."
"Hey, that's just a common Avis popstarus disneyana with tarty makeup!"
Did Annie Leibovitz shoot this too?
"Um, yay, I guess...."
"Oooh, lovely CGI plumage!"
"They spent a fifty thousand dollar grant on this?"
Her species can spontaneously generate backup dancers!
When the pitch was "Miley Cyrus does a cage dance," I don't think this is what the producers had in mind...
Flying elves!
"Folks, we should have warned you this species has a rather irritating mating call..."
She's defiling Big Bird's nest!
Zoo security by BP.
The first Acrobatus cirquedusoleilus born in captivity.
Eww, no yiffing, please.
It's like the world's goth-est drag show.
Still, it must annoy Billy Ray that her career's already lasted longer than his did.
Your contract with Disney says otherwise.
But she can be Auto-Tuned within an inch of her life.
I notice the audience has wisely dispersed.
With that outfit, your intentions are pretty damn clear.
Did Alvin do uncredited additional vocals on this?
The Creation Museum goes to extreme lengths to draw attendance.
o/...Do you wanna date my avatar...o/
This is one weird field trip.
The guy on the left's wearing an Elizabethan ruff!
Ah, and here comes the lesbian subtext!
It's only a matter of time before she's shaving her head and flashing her cocoh at paparazzi, isn't it?
You'd think all those feathers would tickle in inappropriate and uncomfortable places...
I gotta say, I don't think this sequel to Cats was entirely necessary.
Did she just admit she's into girls?
"Even though my every move has been orchestrated by a major entertainment conglomerate, I'm all natural!"
"I can go potty like a big girl!"
Orgy directed by Julie Taymor
*accidentally slits jugular*
He has to wear that so he won't chew on his stitches.
Hey, no climbing on the exhibits! What do you think that rope's there for?
So, I think what Miley's trying to say here is, she's a skanky ho and she's okay with that.
"My hair!"
Chinese pole acrobats!
And you can't SHUT UP either, apparently!
o/...I have no shame...o/
Next year they'll have Hawking do the keynote address instead.
Capped by TheDiva
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