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This Really Has Nothing To Do With
The Video You're About To See.
But It Sounds Cool,
Doesn't It?
The Video You're About To See.
But It Sounds Cool,
Doesn't It?
Incoherent action scene...yep, this is a Michael Bay project, all right.
Sounds like the Foley's skipping.
This is your last warning! Turn off the Pure Moods album and pull over immediately!
Isn't this excessive force for an overdue parking ticket?
Never let an eight-year-old with ADD edit your movie.
They chased him into the Plan Nine From Outer Space set!
"We have your playhouse surrounded! Come out with your hands up!"
"...or anyone."
"But I'm not going to the drugstore to get you tampons."
Anything except his nails, obviously.
Meat Loaf IS Grima Wormtonuge
He's being haunted by Rosario Dawson!
"Angel? Spike? Anybody home?"
Would you stop singing?
"Who the hell puts a chandelier in a mausoleum, anyway?"
See, this is why you call before dropping by the Phantom of the Opera's place.
"Those are the days I trust to Cialis."
He's spying on a perfume ad!
TV Tropes Demonstration Theater Presents: Stalking Is Love
"No, my clown white face!"
.oO(I'm being pursued by an antique jeweler!)
"I feel fresh!"
Bigfoot discovered Hot Topic.
Tom Cruise and Mia Sara have to be around here somewhere...
"I'm lost; these blue-filtered trees all look the same..."
Did a cat just sneeze, or was that just me?
"Mostly because I have to stay around to blow out all these damn candles."
"Sommelier, there's a girl in my Bordeaux..."
The mansion has its own backup chorus installed.
The video behind them has its brights on; that's so annoying...
"Oh, good one. What's next, 'I promise I'll respect you in the morning'?"
"And I can't pass this kidney stone either!"
So, what is the "that" which he would not do, anyway?
Hold her purse while she's in the fitting room?
Go to a movie based on a Nicholas Sparks novel?
Hold her purse while she's in the fitting room?
Go to a movie based on a Nicholas Sparks novel?
"Mr. Rochester?"
Filmed live at Jean Cocteau's house.
Come in, pull up a...um, never mind.
Wow, Yankee Candle Company doesn't have this many candles.
He has varicose eyebrows.
Maybe the cops were pursuing him for violating the fire code.
I pray to the god of alcohol, sousaphones and showtunes, myself.
And now it's a promotional video for a day spa...
"I smell bacon!"
That's one way to wash a slip, I guess.
"Well, would you hold it down a bit? I'm trying to sleep!"
Freddy Krueger didn't want her.
"Whoops, you're not Johnathan Harker! Wrong bed!"
I guess he likes her because one of the things she'd do for love is a threesome.
"Aw come on, at least let me watch!"
"Five minutes counts as 'long,' right?"
She gets off by stroking her hair?
Singing or constipated? YOU make the call!
For the girl's sake, I hope "that" is post pictures of the orgy on Facebook.
CSI: Raven Hill
"Who am I kidding, I look like an undead Rosie O'Donnell!"
Why does he even have the mirrors around if they bother him so much?
This is what, 84 years bad luck?
"I'll go check to see if the chick is still writhing on the bed."
"Room service?"
"I'll try this room; the genies are hogging the bed in the other one."
It's a steampunk Viewmaster!
"Great, it's either the room with the lesbos or the flying bed. The Bed and Breakfast Association is getting a VERY stern letter..."
"I'm doing it, dear."
"Seriously, I'm scared of heights!"
Oh, they're in Dayton.
"But I don't do windows."
"Oh come on, I got you the hot chicks in the exotic jewelry, what more do you need?"
Ladies and gentlemen, CELINE DION!
"Like Branson?"
Detective Matt Frewer
So when cops enter your house, they make glass explode?
"Come on, they'll never think to look for us in the sewing room..."
Brain Guy would later be ashamed of his Goth phase.
"And I won't tell you that dress makes you look fat."
"I've played Oregon Trail."
So, this is just an extended cut of "Ring Around the Rosie"...
With Anthony Stewart Head as Samuel Gerard
"A chikpea?"
"Hold me, long-haired Kevin James..."
"You have broken the spell. I am Jack Black once more...."
He'll promise anything when he's drunk, too.
"My lips are chapped; got any Carmex?"
And she immediately pulls an Isadora Duncan.
If this was a Michael Bay video, where were the explosions?
Oh, so "that" is stop for directions.
MTV showing an actual music video? Shenanigans!
Capped by TheDiva
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