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Damn AOL...
I'm sorry, your eyebags are too large for the overhead compartment. You'll have to check them.
The Munchkin coroner called; he wants his hat back.
What does a surreal creature dream about, anyway? Normal situations, like getting stuck in traffic or calling to get a prescription refilled?
"Heh-heh, we're going to film him in an embarrassing situation and post it on YouTube!"
Inside Dr. Seuss' head.
The mayor just wants to feel pretty sometimes, I guess.
By the way, I loved you in Fantasia.
Rule 34 strikes again!
Well, this really calls the mayor's platform against interspecies marriage into question...
Is the floating fishbowl part of the dream, or just bad animation?
It's a narwhal helmet!
All machines in the Flipside are required by law to have creepy facial features, I guess.
Please don't talk again.
This is why you shouldn't overfeed them...
Les Ballets Trockadero de Oz
Where is his torso, anyway?
Waitaminnit, hair on a fish?
"Pucker up, lover."
So it transformed into some sort of giant monster fish/Beatles hybrid...
Why is everyone dreaming about Japanese monster movies?
Now really, how is this any worse than the dancing buildings at the beginning of the show?
Even Terry Gilliam is scratching his head at all this.
And our heroes kind of meander to the rescue.
How exactly did they get this out of a Subaru BRAT, anyway?
So this is Venkman from The Real Ghostbusters as a teen.
"I can't deny my love for you any longer!"
What, the first five minutes of this episode?
Chili cheesecake, only at Applebees!
"My robot doppleganger is about to rise against us!"
"Cool, I've heard so much about the girls there."
All toasters toast YOUR SOUL!!!
"Someone get Yen Sid, quick!"
"No, I don't want to be pregnant!"
"Um, maybe I should run, or something....nah, forget it..."
"Apart from the Bovine Conga Line..."
Why do the lips have nose hairs?
Um, everything in this dimension is freaky as all get-out, perhaps?
Overdrawn at the Memory Bank: The Animated Series
" BAD GUY, you!"
"And now that I've told you all about it you can thwart me!"
SOMEONE hasn't read the Evil Overlord List.
"Oh, and no hard feelings about the musical slaves thing, okay?"
I can't wait.
Moby Dick got a dye job!
The cousin the Notre Dame mascot doesn't talk about.
I'm surprised Jerry Falwell never complained about Lucky Charms' "subversive gay agenda."
Yay, a new stale marshmallow shape!
Adding empty calories and sugar to this complete breakfast!
One of them is in the wrong locker room.
"It's filled with Nightmare Fuel!"
Hey, you can't market furry balls to children!
Popples: Our Cuteness Collapses In On Itself!
PC Popple, DF 435
Hey, no ad for TOBOR?
There is entirely too much creepy anthropomorphism in this show.
"I said 'Si' because I'm Hispanic, you know. Ai yi yi."
Because every good plan needs a one-man band!
"Besides, we like humiliating you."
Never let a four-year-old design your marquee.
"That girl cat is kind of hot!"
I wonder how Master Blaster managed to take over with just three bumbling henchcats.
"Don't worry, I've got the vacuum cleaner. It always drives cats nuts!"
"Oh no, another pointless musical sequence is starting!"
The MC Escher Hotel and Casino
What does it mean when you dream about being chased by hookworms, anyway?
"Get away from me, Kirby!"
"I knew I should have stayed at the Overlook instead..."
This is normal for him. He has the DTs.
I hated this level of Mario Party...
"Great, the giant gumball is mocking me."
Um, you can turn on your knockoff proton pack anytime...
Where's Dick Van Dyke when you need him?
Oh God, I did NOT need to see Ash blowing a python!
Well, so much for that idea.
You know, usually the heroes in these bad 80s cartoons were at least slightly more competent than the villain's Mooks...
Oh no, it's a Scooby Doo chase gone horribly wrong!
So, basically any Scooby Doo chase.
This is one of those things that only makes sense if you're high, isn't it?
Great idea, give the nerdy spaz the weapon.
"There's the problem--the safety is on!"
"Excellent! Now to take out Slimer!"
"Oh no, a souped-up Hoover! Run for your lives!"
The monsters took the Frankie Goes to Hollywood music with them, I guess...
Sure, give the Latina girl a broom and send her into a hotel room...way to buck stereotype, writers!
"Don't eat me! I'm sorry I said I liked Big Bird better!"
What, no "take out the trash" pun?
And once again, the token female proves useless.
Stop that, you're making the mariachi mice in that Titanic cartoon look good!
It's turning into a mecha!
"Maybe I should have tried a mop instead..."
"Um, guys, the broom thing didn't work..."
After the orgy...
"We need more caffeine pills, now!"
"Don't look at me; I'm just a supervisor."
"You sent them in to battle a bunch of monsters with cleaning utensils. They're probably dead by now."
Thank God for blacked-out crotch area.
She's making Daphne Blake look competent.
"A trash can? We didn't plan on that!"
"I need to take a wizz, NOW!"
"I don't know, I woke up with a hangover and there he was next to me!"
And the annoying fairy gets splatted, the end.
"I knew I should have used a Bissel instead!"
"Don't worry, my plot-convenient superpower just kicked in!"
"Yay, the food bank is saved!"
Capped by TheDiva
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