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"The biggest consumer, Utah, averaged 5.47 adult content subscriptions per 1000 home broadband users..."
-ABC News
-ABC News
Then you're probably in Salt Lake City.
What do you think, chunky Beverly Hills Cop-era Paul Reiser?
You wonder if the lake-effect rain will ever lose input under an occluded front.
A neck brace?
"Thank you. Good night."
So we live in Utah, to avoid that temptation.
"My picture!"
"Dad, you're squishing my picture too!"
"I f**** hate you two!"
Our degrading, precious bodily fluids.
Paul Reiser again?
First down. 12:21 on the clock. Romans have possession.
"Or cutting remarks."
"Suck iiiiiit..."
Messianic Apathetic
DC Comics Jesus #1 (August 1936)
"Are you gonna start the auction or not?"
No matter how many times "Scrubs" is on cable at any given second...
Please Pablo... Come to Florida...
(He's omnipotent, but touchy.)
"I don't really like thrillers so much..."
Wasn't that a "But..." ?
Capped by Space Toast
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